Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Horrible product support

I just went through three computers in pretty rapid order (one crashed, one returned when I decided I needed a better system for my needs, and am on my third which I'm happy with).?I bought the rather expensive (over $250, if I recall correctly) Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro less than a year ago and now it's money wasted.?I no longer can use the product because I didn't realize I needed to deactivate the license on the returned computer (I just deleted it and reformatted before I returned the system) and lost access on the original crashed computer which was toast in the end (why I bought the next one).?So, now I have a great system and can't activate adobe one it.?I've tried for three weeks straight to get through every possible way to customer service and tech support and there seems to be no way to these people! Anybody home?? Who's minding the store??I tried every possible phone number, including the toll number, I tried going the feedback route since there is not email route, tried everything...to no avail.?Most of the lines queue me along to ''this call may be monitored....'' then music plays for a while then the rapid busy signal of abyss (disconnect).?The main customer service line...well, lets see...I've been listening to musak for 2.5 hrs.?Where I can get through very easily is sales.?Interesting, they have a product they are more than available to sell, but they don't support the product in reality.?Interesting business model.

Horrible product support

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