Sunday, March 28, 2010

Histogram 閳?LR vs. in-camera

I had learned not to trust the in-camera histogram, especially regarding highlight clipping. Usually those areas turned out fine in LR.

Then I came across this article:?Settings for an Accurate Histogram

It totally made sense, and I adjusted my camera's setting accordingly. While images now look even more flat on the internal screen, I get much less of those clipping warnings, and I can confirm that from examining the images in LR.

It certainly brings the in-camera histogram more in alignment with LR's.

Just wanted to pass this on for others.

Histogram 閳?LR vs. in-camera

I also set the camera to Adobe RGB, since this wider color space is closer to what the raw data contains. This helps in color-clipping situations, like sunsets etc.

Histogram 閳?LR vs. in-camera

martin-s wrote:

Then I came across this article:?Settings for an Accurate Histogram

Bob_Peters wrote:

I would suggest you interpret the title of the article as ''Settings for a *more* Accurate Histogram''.

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