Sunday, March 28, 2010

CF Mail / CF Output / CF Inquiry

Adobe Partners,

I have MS Windows 2003 Server (32 bit) running IIS and ColdFusion MX7 on it hosted off site. I have a Catalog Reuqest Form that my users can request catalog's from us. Back in July a feature that was set up to do the following, was some how broken and I'm having issues getting it configured to work again. What I need help with is probably easy, but yet I'm having a hard time fixing it or getting it to work right. When a customer clicks on the Catalog Request form. It opens up a file called ''catalog_requests.cfm'' and from there in the ''cfm'' code it loads ''catalogrequest.cfm'' which in tells after the user hits submit (after entering in their information ... Name, Address, E-Mail, etc) it loads ''SVCatalogRequest.cfm'' which is the file that takes that data from thoses boxes and inserts it in to my MS SQL Database and then is suppose to e-mail the e-mail account I have set up with the same exact data that it just inserted into the SQL Database.

?Well the data is being inserted, but NO e-mail is being generated from it at all. If I take the code out and/or create a file called send_mail.cfm and code it using Adobe's How-To ( p.htm?context=ColdFusion_Documentation%26amp;file=00001595.htm#1096150) it works just FINE so I know the ColdFusion is correctly set up to send e-mails. But then I go back to my SVCatalogRequest.cfm and never get the e-mail after entering in my information (Name, Address, etc). So I need assistance it getting it to where it e-mails our catalog department AND insert's the data all at once.



CF Mail / CF Output / CF Inquiry

Do any of those files you mentioned have a cfmail tag in them?

CF Mail / CF Output / CF Inquiry

Yes, I believe. Here the code that is currently in place as well it has not changed in a number of years. Again one day is just broke.

%26lt;cf_guiheaderbegin TitleTags='''' Keywords=''''%26gt;
%26lt;p class=''header''%26gt;Your Catalog Request Has Been Sent!%26lt;/p%26gt;

%26lt;cfinsert tablename=''inforequest'' datasource=''#Application.Datasource#''%26gt;

%26lt;cfmail from='''' to=''#Application.SiteEmailOne#''

subject=''#SiteTitle# Catalog Request''
%26gt;#form.FName# #form.LName#
fax: #form.fax#


Teacher: #form.TeacherCatalog#
Girl Scouts: #form.GSCatalog#
General Catalog: #form.GeneralCatalog#


%26lt;p%26gt;Thanks for telling us your Makit project story; this information has been forwarded to the appropriate party.%26lt;/p%26gt;

The to attribute of your cfmail tag is an application variable.?Does that variable have an email address to which you have access??Have you looked at your mailsent log to see if anything got sent?

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