Sunday, March 28, 2010

Curupt Files in CS2

Just curious if anyone has run into a problem where their indd files become curupt as well as any linked files to that document...

I have many files that have become curupt over the past week, all say that the file type isn't correct and can't be open... All say that they were last modified on the same day at around the same time, always around 10 am...

Can someone please help me?! I have thousands of dollars of client ads in those files that would be irreplaceable.

Thanks in Advance...

Curupt Files in CS2

OS and version of InDesign, please.

What is the file extension on these files when you look at them in the folder?

Curupt Files in CS2

That would be Windows... Version CS2.

It has the normal file extensions but, the InDesign Icon doesn't appear and it's also affected all files in the Links folder... I've attached a picture if it helps...

This is what it says when it doesn't open...

This is where it gets weird... This is the Links folder for that project... Check out the date modified area...

I'm baffled and can't figure it out... Has anyone else ever seen this before?

Before you begin, you should probably back up you data.

The first thing I would try, is to reset the file association in Explorer. Tools %26gt; Folder options %26gt; File types and scroll down to.indd. If it isn't in the list, add it.

Select it from the list nad click the advanced button, and from the action list choose open, then click edit.

If InDesign is NOT listed in field for Application Used to Perform This Action, clcik the browse button and find InDesign.exe. The full path should be listed in quotes. If not there after the path to indesign, also type in theis field a space followed by ''%1'' (include the quotes).

Say OK, apply, etc.

If that doesn't do it, the next step is to replace your preferences. IMMEDIATEY after clicking the icon to launch ID, hold down Ctrl + Alt + Shift (you have to be very fast) and say yes to the confirmation dialog. If you don't see it, you need to try again, and be faster. This method will remove all customizations from ID, so if you have a lot of presets and such, you might want to do the repalcement manually, and save these things to external files first. See the comments in Adobe InDesign CS4 * Setting preferences. This is for CS4, but the method is essentially the same for CS2. The files you need to rename are the same, but are both located inthe Application Data/InDesign/Version 4.0 folder instead of being split up.

If it still doesn't work, it's time to haul out the disks. You can try a repair from the installer, but most likely you'll need to uninstall and reinstall from scratch.


I didn't see the first message. You may still need to fix the file association, but that particular erro message is what you get when you try to open a file in an older version of InDesing than the one in which it was saved. Nothing you do to CS2 will allow you to open a file saved in CS3 or CS4.

It looks like someone opened and saved these files in a later version. Did someone work on them at home or have a trial version installed?

Could be. Can the OP please post one of the files somewhere for us to look at.

I'm not so sure about this though...There's way too many of them for this to have happened accidentally, but posting one or two will allow us to check for some kind of problem.


I don't think it's a file extension issue... I'll try that but, it hasn't done it to all the indd files on this computer just a handful each time... Everyone in this office has CS2 so, it wouldn't be an issue there either.

The only thing I can think of is that I installed a trial version of Suitcase (the font manager by Extensis) and it expired... This problem happend when I installed it and when it had expired. But, I don't see why that would mess up the files like that.

Here are two files that problem has affected...

Nothing there. You can't attach files via email.


You need to zip ID file to attach them.

I don't know for sure what Suitcase does to an ID installation, but it probably installed an auto-activation plugin and there's a possibility that the plugin info is stored in the file, but it doesn't really seem like that would be enough to keep them from opening.

My company doesn't have any ftp capabilities... I'm not sure how to get these files for you guys to view...

Got it, I'll try to zip them...

Come to the web page, you can attach zip files here.

Here's the first one...

Second one...

Well I can't open them either in CS4, and they have the generic icon, so it does indeed look as if the files are corrupt. I'll paly some more, but I don't have a lot of hope at the moment.

That's what I was afraid of... Any idea why this could be happening?

I appreciate your help.

looking at them in a text editor it's possible they are ID files from which all the header information has been lost, or they could be some other sort of binary file. Nothing there I can read (there's lots of color and fonet information at the start of other CS2 files I've checked). None of my tools are telling me anything useful.

No idea why it happened. Are they stored on a network? It could be a network glitch while saving.

I don't suppose you have backup copies of any of these? It would certainly be prudent to back up everything now...


Most everything is backed up... A few files were not though... Yes they are stored on a network and maybe that has something to do with it... My company backs up everything on a?weekly basis and these were lost in the process...

Good news is, they were all pretty simple to design so, hopefully it won't take too long to recreate.

Thanks for the help...

Sounds like weekly is not often enough. I back up data daily.

I believe on Monday, I will be making that recommendation.

They don't even resemble InDesign files. I just compared them to working ID CS2 files I have here by opening them in note pad.



do you have ANY Antivirus software installed and running in backround ? can you run any malware/backdoor/etc. scanner ?

your archives with ZIPed indd files are bigger than uncompressed INDD files ... what suggest that your files could be compressed ...


Khold do you have macs and PC's on the same network? or just PCs?

M.Jay.Victor wrote:

Khold do you have macs and PC's on the same network? or just PCs?

We do have Anti-Virus running... No issues there.

We are on a windows only network... I haven't tried to open it on a Mac, though I do have one at home... I'll give that a try...


No luck on a mac... says it cannot be opened.

Asked my IT guy and he actually found a ''braviax'' trojan horse on this computer and eliminated it a couple months ago... Anyone familiar with that one?

I had some InDesign CS files that crashed with CS2 and CS3 but they still opened well in CS (on Mac OS 10.4). But i guess that is not the case here.

I had some InDesign CS files that crashed with CS2 and CS3 but they still opened well in CS (on Mac OS 10.4). But i guess that is not the case here.

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