Tuesday, March 30, 2010

CS2 keeps opening as Read Only. Why?

I am using a student version of ID CS2 in Windows (PC). I am working on a program for an event. It keeps opening as a 'read-only' file and I have to ''Save As'' to a new location in order to update any changes. If I try to save any changes to the original file, it tells me that the program is being used by one or more programs and it cannot be saved at that time. Is the file corrupt? No one else has worked on this program. I have to have this finished by early next week and I'm afraid I won't be able to give it to the printer in its current condition. HELP!

CS2 keeps opening as Read Only. Why?

Is the file being stored on a server? If so, try copying to the local machine while you work, then copy back tothe server when finished. Also, have you patched to 4.0.5?

CS2 keeps opening as Read Only. Why?

hi Suzanne,

instead of SAVE AS try to EXPORT your document to INX (InDesign Interchange), then open this INX file and save it with new name as INDD file - maybe your file is still corrupted and maybe this will help ...



I have not patched to 4.0.5. My version is 4.0 already, and I couldn't seem

to find any further patches for it. I am not storying on a server. Just my

machine. Any other ideas? Do you think the file is corrupt? If so, what

should I do?

Thanks for answering my question so quickly. Very appreciated.


This seems to have done the trick! I have opened it twice and it is a normal

file without the 'read-only' tag. Thank you so much!


You should still update to 4.0.5 to take advantage of all the bug fixes. For MacIntosh you'll find it at http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/detail.jsp?ftpID=3598

http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/detail.jsp?ftpID=3600 for Windows

Will do. Thank you so much.


I tried to download the update. The screen that came up from the

InstallShield page is attached as a PDF. Take a look. What is happening?

Did you use one of the links I provided? They both work here. You should also be able to run the updater from the Help menu, or go to http://www.adobe.com/downloads/updates/ and navigae to the update.

Any Advice on Indesign CS4?

I am just learning to use indesign CS4. Any adivce on potential problems with the software. We are in page set up at this point and everything seems to be going well to me. I really like this program and look forward to learning more about it. Can anyone give me examples of daily usage of this program?

Any Advice on Indesign CS4?

Like any software, there are the occasional bugs, but most of the serious stuff seems to have been fixed in the latest update, though there are a few reports of continuing problems with Data Merge.

I use ID daily to set anything from business cards to books.

Any Advice on Indesign CS4?

I have had problem with my adobe loading, and have figured out not to load to many things at once to load indesign efficent. But i am also running on a windows based machine. Then again, i can put up with it, i didnt pay near as much as a mac user did haha

jddmj@hotmail.com wrote:

I have had problem with my adobe loading

status of beta


We are considering using FB4 and FSDK4 for a project and prior to writing a lot of code, was wondering how stable the beta is?

The date seems to indicate Jun1, but if I download it now, do I get the latest build ?

does the latest build have most of the major issues ironed out?

How many bugs were found? How many have been fixed?

It seems like outside developers are kept somewhat in the dark...what is the target date for release?

Could you provide an active real time status update?


status of beta

I believe that Flash Builder 4 beta 2 is supposed to come out Monday based on some recent docs, no clue on anything past that.聽 My team has been working with nightly SDKs and prerelease Flash Builders for the last few months, and while there definitely have been issues with fluctuating interfaces, I feel that the quality has been consistently improving.

You can track current bugs at聽 http://bugs.adobe.com/jira/secure/Dashboard.jspa and download nightly SDKs at http://opensource.adobe.com/wiki/display/flexsdk/Download+Flex+4

status of beta


The june beta was the first public release, the second public release will coincide with the Adobe Max Conference (my guess is after the conference you will be able to download it).

I am not sure what you mean by ''outside'' developers, the beta1 was public and there will be a public beta2 and my guess a third. There are several resources available for developers through Adobe including information on beta and released products.

My concern is that the questions you ask seem rather strange, unless the concept of ''Beta'' is foreign to you.

How many bugs were found = http://bugs.adobe.com/flex/

How stable is it = beta1 was twice as stable as max preview, beta2 is twice as stable as beta1, but this is a subjective evaluation, that is why the product is in beta usability is regarded as acceptable but there could be issues yet to be found..

Provide a real time status update ? - this is a joke question i assume.

If you wish to evaluate Flashbuilder as a viable development platform then the beta2 is definitely stable enough for that.聽


Same here,

Our experience has been very positive. We download a compile a nightly build every morning, do a build of our application and then quickly fix any issues that builder shouts about. This has been happening less and less. Since the big rename session a few months ago things seem to have become much more stable, and most of the changes seem to be additions to functionality rather than anything else.

It's true that some of our code isn't taking advantage of some recent api changes, mainly in the area of extra styling in the default skins, but thats fine as we don鈥檛 use them anyway.

I'd say the advantage in starting using 4 now is WELL worth the small effort in tracking changes to the SDK. I've found that having to be aware of this changes has also given us a better and deeper understand of the sdk in general as we've all had to keep a close eye on what's been happening with it on a daily basis. We're more than happy with how the process has gone.

The one thing that has been a huge help is the amount of dialog coming from the dev team. If changes are about to happen, just keep an eye of the wiki and the forum and you'll be warn well in advance in most cases.

Lol, having said all that we have just run into an issue with resource bundles that it's my job to look into today, our last compile of our application just couldn鈥檛 find any of the .rpc classes. (anyone?????)

My adive, go with the nightly build, keep a very close eye on the wiki, dont be afraid to contect the dev team and be prepaird for the occasional Sunday working to fix some chages.

All in all a very good experience here


tinylion development %26amp; design

Removing space at top of page/table

Hi, I've spent a couple hours googling and searching for the solution to remove the empty space at the top of the page. This is the first website I am making using CS4 so I am not an advanced user. Amongst other things, I have tried inserting: body { margin: 0; padding:0; } but have had no success. In Firefox, there is a big gap at the top, while in IE there is no gap.

In addition to attaching the file, here is the 1st part of the script in which I think the problem lies:

%26lt;meta http-equiv=''Content-Type'' content=''text/html; charset=utf-8'' /%26gt;
%26lt;style type=''text/css''%26gt;
.Georgia {
?font-family: Georgia, ''Times New Roman'', Times, serif;
?color: #000;
?text-align: center;
body,td,th {
?font-size: large;
?color: #000;
?text-align: center;
.Heading2 {
?font-size: 24px;
body {
?background-color: #000;
?margin-top: 0px;
?margin-bottom: 0px;
a:link {
?color: #FFF;
?text-decoration: none;
a:visited {
?text-decoration: none;
?color: #FFF;
a:hover {
?text-decoration: underline;
?color: #00F;
a:active {
?text-decoration: none;
?color: #00F;
#form1 table tr td label {
?font-weight: bold;
#form1 table tr td {
?font-weight: bold;
?font-size: 16px;



%26lt;TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5 align=center bgcolor=''#CCF''%26gt;
%26lt;TD height=''689'' valign=''top'' style=''BORDER-RIGHT: black 50px solid; BORDER-TOP: black 0px solid; BORDER-LEFT: black 50px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: black 0px solid; text-align: center; font-size: 30px; font-weight: bold;''%26gt;%26lt;h1 class=''Georgia''%26gt;%26lt;a href=''Inicio.html''%26gt;
%26lt;div align=''top''%26gt;%26lt;img src=''InversionGarantizada Banner.PNG'' alt=''Banner'' width=''728'' height=''90'' hspace=''0'' vspace=''0'' align=''top'' /%26gt;%26lt;/div%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;%26lt;/h1%26gt;

Removing space at top of page/table

You can go to Window | Properties, select page properties, set the top margin to 0, which will produce this css rule

body {




Removing space at top of page/table

Ok, I just looked a little further, first thing you should do is run this page thru the validator...


And fix your issues. I believe this issue is stemming from the %26lt;h1%26gt; tag as it seems to be overlapping two different elements, plus you have not set any rules for it

h1 {



Run the validator first..


did you try:

body, html {margin:0px; padding:0px }


thank you gary, adding the following rule into the code did the job. I would have never known how to solve this problem otherwise.

h1 {



Glad I could help.


How to open multiple RAW images in...

With Elements 5 I can open any number of RAW images and process each one separately, one at a time, applying corrections to each image individually in the RAW dialogue, clicking Open Image, repeat.?When done each image is in the work space, allowing me to work further, crop, fix, Save as JPEG, CLOSE, etc.

With Elements 7 the capability to process multiple RAW images in the workspace seems to have degraded.?I must process one RAW image at a time, or open many RAW images, Select All and have the correction(s) I apply to the first RAW image apply to all the RAW images.?The first alternative is very time consuming while the second alternative is not acceptable.

Any help appreciated in how to regain the function I had with Elements 5.?

How to open multiple RAW images in...

Just make sure that only one image is selected in the list on the left side of the window and your corrections will only apply to it. Ditto for when you click Open.

How to open multiple RAW images in...

I am honored to receive a response from such an excellent writer. Thank you.

When I open multiple RAW images in Elements 7 I can in fact select one of the images, do what I wish in the RAW dialogue, then click Open Image. In this example from Elements 7 I opened two RAW images, selected the first, accepted As Shot and clicked on Open Image, at which point Elements 7 in fact opens the DustinS1 image for editing in the Elements 7 workspace, just like Elements 5 did. However, Elements 5 returns me to the RAW dialogue for the next image while Elements 7 does not, forcing me to go through the Open dialogue again for the next image, and the next, etc, one open per RAW image, which is very time consuming.

Of course, I may be missing something very basic and will feel very dense if that's the case. I find to difficult to believe that Adobe would have make the workflow to process multiple RAW images more tedious in a new version but that's what it looks like to me.

Thank you again Ms. Brundage.

Paul M.

I'm not sure I understand the problem. It will open as many images as you select on the left side of the raw converter window before clicking Open.

If I select more than one image in the

left pain, either individually or by

Select All, Elements 7 dutifully opens

the RAW images selected in the


The rub is that Elements 7 then applies

the RAW adjustments from the RAW image

dialogue (e.g., Brightness, Contrast,

Clarity) for the first RAW image to all

the RAW images

before placing them in the workspace for

further editing.

Elements 5 provides a RAW image dialogue

for each RAW image individually, one at

a time, when I open them en masse. As

near as I can tell, Elements 7 does not,

forcing the user

to either open each RAW image

individually or presume that the RAW

adjustments made to one image should

apply to all the others before opening

them in the workspace for further


This presumption will generally be a bad

presumption, forcing the user to the

one-at-a-time option, which is very,

very slow.

Thank you again,

Paul M.

  • eye shadow
  • some javascript form checking

    I need to have a form validation that depends on which item is selected.

    i have 5 fields

    PRCS - can have values of 1 2 3 or 4

    QTY1 - needs to have value greater than 50 entered.




    so what i need is if PRCS=1 then QTY1 value needs to be greater than 50.

    %26lt;script type=''text/javascript'' language=''JavaScript''%26gt;
    function QTYVAL(theForm) {
    if (theForm.PRCS.value == '1' and theForm.QTY1.value %26lt; 50)
    ?alert ('Minimum quantity is 50.');
    ?return false;
    } else {?
    ?return true;

    and in my form i have onsubmit=''return QTYVAL(this);


    some javascript form checking

    its %26amp;%26amp; in javascript, not and.

    if (theForm.PRCS.value == '1' and theForm.QTY1.value %26lt; 50)

    should be:

    if (theForm.PRCS.value == '1' %26amp;%26amp; theForm.QTY1.value %26lt; 50)

    API compatibility

    Question for both player developers and plug-in developers:

    Looking into the future beyond OSMF 1.0, what are your expectations for backward compatibility with the APIs from one version of OSMF to the next?

    As development progresses from version 0.1 up to 1.0, the customer feedback we've been getting has been great, and it's directly influenced some our choices on features and design, and consequently the APIs.?We plan to use the moniker ''version 1.0'' to signal that the APIs are set and that we'll support them for some period of time.?How long after 1.0 do you need those APIs to keep working??Can the 1.0 APIs change for 2.0, or do they need to continue to work in 2.0??How about 3.0?

    Given how fast things move with online video and related services, it would make development of future versions of the framework much easier if we can place less of an emphasis on enduring backward compatibility.?The challenge is finding the right balance between a blank slate and permanent backwards compatibility.

    Any thoughts are appreciated!

    Sumner Paine, product manager

    Where is the Manual???

    Hello, Does anyboody know where I can find a user manual for Adobe CS4 Web Premium? I did not recieve one with my Suite.

    Where is the Manual???

    Adobe do not supply paper manuals anymore. That said, neither do Microsoft and many other software publishers. The on-line help system is in effect the manual. I suppose the question is: Do you applaud Adobe et al for being environmentally sound by using less trees, less ink and pertol / gasoline in creating, printing and shipping thousands of paper manuals? Or are they simply a bunch of cheapskates?

    Also bear in mind that perhaps Adobe felt that manuals were a lot less necessary with the shear number of printed books on their products (some published by themselves such as the Classroom in a Book series, which some hear recommend) as well as a massive on-line community.

    Personally I don't miss the manuals too much myself.


    Manipulating Object in a TileList

    Okay, so I am filling a TileList component with custom ''ChordUnit'' MovieClip objects, each of which is associate to a ChordUnit Class.

    I've established a way of determining if any of these objects are being moused over or clicked:

    public function setChordBinSong(song:int, extend:Boolean):void {

    %26amp;n bsp;

    dpChords = new DataProvider();


    for (var i=0; i %26lt; activeChords.length; i++) {

    %26amp;n bsp;

    ?var myFunction:Function = function(item:Object, index:int, vector:Vector.%26lt;Object%26gt;):void {

    %26amp;n bsp;

    ?if (item.title == activeChords[i]) {

    var dirPath = chordLibPath_SM + chordGenrePath + item.imagePath + ''.jpg'';

    dpChords.addItem({ source:new ChordUnit(dirPath), data:i, scaleContent:true });



    chords.forEach(myFunction, null);


    chordBin.dataProvider = dpChords;


    chordBin.addEventListener(ListEvent.ITEM_ROLL_OVER, chordBinItemOVER);

    %26amp;n bsp; chordBin.addEventListener(ListEvent.ITEM_ROLL_OUT, chordBinItemOUT);

    %26amp;n bsp; chordBin.addEventListener(ListEvent.ITEM_CLICK, chordBinItemCLICK);


    private function chordBinItemOVER(e:ListEvent):void {

    %26amp;n bsp;


    private function chordBinItemOUT(e:ListEvent):void {


    private function chordBinItemCLICK(e:ListEvent):void {

    %26amp;n bsp;

    trace (e.rowIndex + '' : '' + e.columnIndex + '' :: '' + e.item + '' :: '' + e.index);

    %26amp;n bsp;

    var obj = dpChords.getItemAt(e.index);

    trace (obj);

    obj.visible = false;



    Manipulating Object in a TileList

    You need to work with the ICellRenderer associated with the data provider item.

    private function chordBinItemCLICK(e:ListEvent):void {
    trace (e.rowIndex + '' : '' + e.columnIndex + '' :: '' + e.item + '' :: '' + e.index);
    var obj = dpChords.getItemAt(e.index);

    var renderer:ICellRenderer = e.currentTarget.itemToCellRenderer(obj);

    // Note: the ICellRenderer is a UIComponent

    // cast it as an Object so we can use known properties/vars
    var uiObj:Object = renderer as Object;
    uiObj.visible = false;

    Manipulating Object in a TileList

    Yes, this mostly works!?This allows me to affect the properties of the object (such as visibility), yet I am still not able to access any function methods on the associated class:

    private function chordBinItemCLICK(e:ListEvent):void {

    trace (e.rowIndex + '' : '' + e.columnIndex + '' :: '' + e.item + '' :: '' + e.index);

    var obj = dpChords.getItemAt(e.index);

    var renderer:ICellRenderer = e.currentTarget.itemToCellRenderer(obj);

    // Note: the ICellRenderer is a UIComponent

    // cast it as an Object so we can use known properties/vars

    var uiObj:Object = renderer as Object;

    uiObj.visible = false;



    The error indicates that itemToCellRenderer(obj) is returning a MyTileListRenderer instance, not a CellUnit. Where is the CellUnit instance created?

    The CellUnit instance (and there are several) is created within the document class ''ChordLib.as'', which also contains the code above.

    Here is the function that creates the instances of CellUnit:

    // SET CHORD BIN?//////////////////////////////////////////

    ?public function setChordBinSong(song:int, extend:Boolean):void {

    ?dpChords = new DataProvider();

    ?// determine chord set

    ?if (extend == true) {

    ?} else if (song == -1) {

    ? //activeChords = chordTitles;

    ?} else {

    ? activeChords = songChordSets[song];


    ?// fill dataProvider

    ?for (var i=0; i %26lt; activeChords.length; i++) {

    ? var myFunction:Function = function(item:Object, index:int, vector:Vector.%26lt;Object%26gt;):void {

    ?if (item.title == activeChords[i]) {

    ?var dirPath = chordLibPath_SM + chordGenrePath + item.imagePath + ''.jpg'';

    ?dpChords.addItem({ source:new ChordUnit(dirPath), data:i, scaleContent:true }); // *** ** *



    chords.forEach(myFunction, null);


    chordBin.dataProvider = dpChords;

    chordBin.columnWidth = 78;

    chordBin.rowHeight?= 110;

    chordBin.direction = ScrollBarDirection.HORIZONTAL;

    chordBin.setStyle(''contentPadding'', 5); ?// **

    chordBin.setRendererStyle(''imagePadding'', 0); // **

    chordBin.scrollPolicy?= ScrollPolicy.ON;

    // set style for labels

    chordBin.setRendererStyle(''textFormat'', textFormat2);

    // set the background skin

    chordBin.setStyle(''skin'', lightBackground);

    //set the cell renderer

    chordBin.setStyle(''cellRenderer'', MyTileListRenderer);

    //chordBin.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, selectChordBin);

    chordBin.addEventListener(ListEvent.ITEM_ROLL_OVER, chordBinItemOVER);

    chordBin.addEventListener(ListEvent.ITEM_ROLL_OUT, chordBinItemOUT);

    chordBin.addEventListener(ListEvent.ITEM_CLICK, chordBinItemCLICK);


    There is also a ''MyTileListRenderer'' class that is referred to above:

    chordBin.setStyle(''cellRenderer'', MyTileListRenderer);

    Yes - although I made an attempt to unify these two classes (and the ''MyTileListRenderer'' is necessary for some styling of the TileList Cell) -- the two Classes appear to need to remain separate (but perhaps there is a way?)

    CellUnit needs to associate to the MovieClip in the librart, as well as receive a 1 parameter:

    public function ChordUnit(dirPath:String):void {

    How about using the render's source property?

    private function chordBinItemCLICK(e:ListEvent):void {

    // ...

    var renderer:MyTileListRenderer= dpChords.itemToCellRenderer(e.item) as MyTileListRenderer;


    // ...


    hmmm, an interesting approach.?I installed it like this:

    private function chordBinItemCLICK(e:ListEvent):void {

    trace (e.rowIndex + '' : '' + e.columnIndex + '' :: '' + e.item + '' :: '' + e.index);

    var obj = dpChords.getItemAt(e.index);

    var renderer:MyTileListRenderer= dpChords.itemToCellRenderer(e.item) as MyTileListRenderer;


    // Note: the ICellRenderer is a UIComponent

    // cast it as an Object so we can use known properties/vars

    var uiObj:Object = renderer as Object;

    uiObj.alpha = 0.5;



    Oops! My mistake. That should obviously be e.currentTarget.itemToCellRenderer

    Ah, yes - that works!?It calls the testFunc() inside CellUnit:

    private function chordBinItemCLICK(e:ListEvent):void {

    var renderer:MyTileListRenderer = e.currentTarget.itemToCellRenderer(e.item) as MyTileListRenderer;



    Horrible product support

    I just went through three computers in pretty rapid order (one crashed, one returned when I decided I needed a better system for my needs, and am on my third which I'm happy with).?I bought the rather expensive (over $250, if I recall correctly) Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro less than a year ago and now it's money wasted.?I no longer can use the product because I didn't realize I needed to deactivate the license on the returned computer (I just deleted it and reformatted before I returned the system) and lost access on the original crashed computer which was toast in the end (why I bought the next one).?So, now I have a great system and can't activate adobe one it.?I've tried for three weeks straight to get through every possible way to customer service and tech support and there seems to be no way to these people! Anybody home?? Who's minding the store??I tried every possible phone number, including the toll number, I tried going the feedback route since there is not email route, tried everything...to no avail.?Most of the lines queue me along to ''this call may be monitored....'' then music plays for a while then the rapid busy signal of abyss (disconnect).?The main customer service line...well, lets see...I've been listening to musak for 2.5 hrs.?Where I can get through very easily is sales.?Interesting, they have a product they are more than available to sell, but they don't support the product in reality.?Interesting business model.

    Horrible product support

    Try this.

    Follow the link.