Friday, April 2, 2010

Update to 2.5 failed - cannot find...

Any ideas how to get this working properly again, without losing all my catalogues etc.? My machine is quad core 9650 with 8gb ram XP64bit.

Looking for answers here is a complete joke. The Adobe website has to be the single biggest piece of junk in the entire internet (virus-infected porn sites included)

I would be grateful for some help.


Update to 2.5 failed - cannot find...

You won't lose your catalogs via a florfed install.

Re download and try again.

Update to 2.5 failed - cannot find...

Thanks for the suggestion, but it just appears to be that the Adobe instructions are wrong (AGAIN!!!!). The fact is the download is the program, not an update.

Unless you have a default installation, simply following the 'update' instructions will not work. You have to uninstall manually and then reinstall.

Why companies the size and supposed expertise of Adobe cannot put plain and simple intsructions on the web is beyond me. It seems to be equally beyond this company, that provides the most well-known web creating software, to design a website that allows anyone to access useful information. It is an absolute disgrace.

AARDVARK7 wrote:

Thanks for the suggestion, but it just appears to be that the Adobe instructions are wrong (AGAIN!!!!). The fact is the download is the program, not an update.

Unless you have a default installation, simply following the 'update' instructions will not work. You have to uninstall manually and then reinstall.

Why companies the size and supposed expertise of Adobe cannot put plain and simple intsructions on the web is beyond me. It seems to be equally beyond this company, that provides the most well-known web creating software, to design a website that allows anyone to access useful information. It is an absolute disgrace.

I understand your point, but the fact remains that I am not some extraordinary, unique example in the way I use my computer. Consequently, a company of the size and sophistication of Adobe should be well able to provide a broad set of instructions that cover most scenarios and then make extra help easily available, instead of relying on the good grace of other users; users I might add who give their time freely despite having paid an excessively large sum to buy the not-always-adequate software in the first place!

In the case I have highlighted (and have had to resolve myself), the instruction should not read 'Just click on the setup to update', but rather 'The setup file contains the full program and will replace an older version of LR only if originally installed into the default folders. Should you have a custom install to any other drive than the C drive, or have renamed any folders, you will need to uninstall first and then install the later version as before. Please note that all settings and folders should remain intact providing no other folders or files are deleted during the process'.

There you are. Not hard was it? And I'm not being paid a gazillion dollars to write such instruction. I did, however, pay 鎷?500 for the software package and that is why I am bloody mad.

I'd be steamed, too, paying way over the going rate. What happened such that you paid so much??

IAE, if you install in other than the default location, you'll be presumed to know the pitfalls. This is true on Macs, with the exception that nothing bad happens.

CS4 Web Premium + Lightroom package = %26gt;鎷?500.00

The fact is I have had a number of issues, for none of which could I get any help whatsoever from Adobe (do they ever answer the phone???????????) and had to discern solutions either though forums or my own investigations.

I have a strong dislike for Microsoft, but at least they have vast quantities of information available if needed (and most of their issues are caused by third party software!). Adobe have turned Customer Relations into a new device of torture, hiding anything useful from everyone behind a grotesque and laughable website.

It is no wonder that so many are happy to pirate their software. I almost wish they did it to such an extent the company went into adminstration. Then someone with a little more grace could buy the rights and actually serve the loyal customers.

To the particulars of your last comment, it is almost like saying, 'If you bought the software, it will be assumed you know how to install in and use it'.

Not good enough! They get paid a lot of money and should state basic requirements and variations. As I said, I am not unusual in my methods.

CS4 Web Premium + Lightroom package = %26gt;鎷?500.00

The fact is I have had a number of issues, for none of which could I get any help whatsoever from Adobe (do they ever answer the phone???????????) and had to discern solutions either though forums or my own investigations.

I have a strong dislike for Microsoft, but at least they have vast quantities of information available if needed (and most of their issues are caused by third party software!). Adobe have turned Customer Relations into a new device of torture, hiding anything useful from everyone behind a grotesque and laughable website.

It is no wonder that so many are happy to pirate their software. I almost wish they did it to such an extent the company went into adminstration. Then someone with a little more grace could buy the rights and actually serve the loyal customers.

To the particulars of your last comment, it is almost like saying, 'If you bought the software, it will be assumed you know how to install in and use it'.

Not good enough! They get paid a lot of money and should state basic requirements and variations. As I said, I am not unusual in my methods.

******* useless system just lost my entire reply!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I typed the above because this crap site told me I was not logged on so could not post after I clicked the button. Now it appears twice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just about the level of Adobe competence: COMPLETELY BLOODY USELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keep it up, my friend, and it will only get worse.?It's common knowledge that Adobe's technical support is worthless.?But if you come here with the right attitude and ask your questions properly you are likely to get the help you are looking for.?I promise, however, that I will not comment again in this thread.

''It's common knowledge that Adobe's technical support is worthless.''

and therein lies the rub! Why is it left to people like me to rant and rave and make known my dissatisfaction?

I am criticised for it and yet everyone stands around in silence or actually does Adobe's job for them!

The reason we leave all the ranting and raving to ''people like you'' is that the rest of us have learned that if we come to this forum with the right attitude and ask our questions*politely*someone is usually willing and able to help us solve our problems.?You can rant on all you want to.?But this is the last response I will make in this discussion.

You still don't get it, do you?

I wasn't particularly concerned about being given an answer (even though my 'attitude' was not aimed at other forum users at all) as I am well aware it is almost always down to me to provide my own anyway.

I think it important to make even a small attempt to let Adobe know in just what low regard they are held and maybe, just maybe, they will do something to improve matters. There is simply no other way of contacting them!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Indeed, you state this yourself.

You do, however, seem to think it a great idea just to allow them to get away with murder and then have the temerity to point an accusatory finger at me!


I wasn't going to do this, but...?YOU are the one who still doesn't get it.?Although there are some Adobe experts contribute on this forum, this is a user to user forum.?We are all just users trying to help each other.?This is not the place, in my opinion, to rant about your issues with Adobe.?But, everyone has their freedom to do whatever they wish.?In all reality, this thread is going to be locked shortly, and then you will have another excuse to rant some more.?And so, as a final (really this time) word, rant on.?It will only get the thread shut down, and reaffirm all of your criticisms of Adobe.?Goodbye.

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