Friday, April 2, 2010

cfid & cftoken keep resetting everytime...

I need some assistance.?I have setup several CF applications and never had any issues with session/application management.?However this time around every time I refresh the page it gives me a new cfid and cftoken.?Obviously it won't allow me to keep my session and I get redirected to the log in page.?Here is how I am setting up my application.?Does anyone see any issues with this?

%26lt;cfscript%26gt; = 'ApplicationName';
This.sessionManagement = ''yes'';
This.applicationtimeout = CreateTimeSpan(0,1,0,0);
This.sessionTimeout = CreateTimeSpan(0,0,20,0);
This.setclientcookies = ''no'';
This.setdomaincookies = ''no'';

Side question, when is the cfid and cftoken suppose to change??When I land on the page for the first time before I log in the cfid %26amp; cftoken get set.?That will be the same cfid %26amp; cftoken for the full session.?Then the cfid %26amp; cftoken gets dropped once the application has timed out??(maybe a dumb question...)

Please Help!!!

cfid %26 cftoken keep resetting everytime...

If you setclientcookies to be FALSE (''no'', whatever), then you need to deal with the CFID %26amp; CFTOKEN values yourself (generally by passing them on every URL in your site.?Which is a right PitA.

Are you sure you meant to set it to FALSE?



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